The International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE) is dedicated to the publication of replication studies in empirical economics. IREE publishes replications in these areas:
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Experiments
- Finance/Management
The focus of IREE is to publish replication studies in empirical economics.
The aims of replications are to verify the correctness, robustness, and generalizability of single empirical findings. Replication studies in this sense are re-analyses of the original research question with same data/different model or different data/same model (scientific replication).
The replicated original studies should already have been published in a peer-reviewed journal (listed in Scopus or Web of Science). IREE publishes replication studies independent of their result (successful and failed replications). Accepted replication studies must be instantly reproducible based on the submitted material by the authors. AlongsideĀ the article, authors must submit their analysis data and programming. Replication studies submitted to IREE are subject to a double-blind peer-review. IREE is an e-journal and articles are published continuously. All parts of a publication (article, data, and programming) are each provided with a DOI. Data and code are permanently stored in a data archive.
IREE also accepts replication studies for submission from adjacent disciplines which are closely related to economics.
IREE is an open-access journal. IREE charges no fees from the authors at no point of the submission or publication process.
We aim to support transparent and open research based on economic data and thereby to improve research quality in empirical economics. We recommend our Ā»Editorial Note (2018-2) for more insights.
Pure reproductions in IREE.
Pure reproductions are the mere re-analyses (or technical check) of the original data and programming of an original paper (same data/same model). These may be submitted to be published on the website of IREE. Pure reproductions will not be subject to a peer-review process but will be provided with a DOI.
Authors of the replicated studies may comment.
Authors of the original work have the opportunity to comment on the replication attempt. Comments may be published along with the replication study.
Our Guidelines for Replication Studies in IREE provide more details about different kinds of replications studies in Economics and our suggestion of handling authors of the original studies.