upcoming events
past events
2020, September 9th Presentation of IREE at the Open-Access-Tage 2020 (online conference)
2020, June 26th International Meeting of the IREE Editorial Board (virtual meeting)
2020, June 16th Presentation of IREE at the X. Fachtagung zur Lage der sozial- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften in Berlin, Germany (cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
2020, March 2-3 IREE at the 8. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten in Berlin, Germany
2019, September 13th Presentation of IREE at the 34. Österreichischer Bibliothekartag in Graz, Austria
2019, May 5th Editors’ Meeting in Hamburg, Germany
2019, March 27-29 Presentation of IREE at the E-Science-Days 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany
2019, March 23 IREE at the Junior Management Science Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany
2019, February 26-27 IREE as a use case at the 9th OpenAIRE workshop in Bielefeld, Germany
2019, February 5th Presentation of IREE at the UZH Reproducibility Day 2019 in Zurich, Switzerland
2018, August 29th Session: Replication and Credibility of Research at EEA-ESEM 2018 in Cologne, Germany
2018, April 27th Presentation of IREE at the Sectional Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research in Kiel, Germany
2018, March 16th Editors’ Meeting in Hamburg, Germany
2017, September 3rd Workshop “Replications in Empirical Economics – Ways out of the Crisis”, 2017 VfS Annual Conference in Vienna, Austria
2017, July 11th Editors’ Meeting in Berlin, Germany
2017, May 12th Editors’ Meeting Editors in Hamburg, Germany
2017, February 7th Editors’ Meeting in Berlin, Germany