Publications in IREE

The Journal of Comments and Replication in Economics (JCRE) replaces the previous International Journal for The International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE) is replaced by the Journal of Comments and Replication in Economics (JCRE). As its successor, JCRE continues to host and maintain IREE’s publications. For more information, please see JCRE’s website.


Volume 5, 2021

The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism. A Replication Study of Kim and Albert Kim (Health Economics, 2018) by Tyler Smith and Tom Coupé (IREE, Vol.5, 2021-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.20.
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

Volume 4, 2020

The Labour Market Effects of a Refugee Wave. A Replication Study of Peri and Yasenov (Journal of Human Resources, 2019) by Michael Christl (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.19.
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017) by Matthias Collischon (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.17.
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Not Evidence for Baumol’s Cost Disease. A replication study of Hartwig (Journal of Health Economics, 2008) by Atanda, Akinwande and W. Robert Reed (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.16.
EViews-Code and the log-files are available »here.

Not Evidence for Baumol’s Cost Disease. A Reply to Atanda and Reed (International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics, 2020) by Jochen Hartwig (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-3) DOI: 10.18718/81781.18
EViews-Code and the log-files of Atanda’s and Reed’s replication are available »here.

Volume 3, 2019

Semiparametric Value-At-Risk Estimation of Portfolios. A replication study of Dias (Journal of Banking & Finance, 2014) by Jiahua Xu (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-6) DOI: 10.18718/81781.15
MATLAB-Codes are available »here.

Meta-analysis and publication bias: How well does the FAT-PET-PEESE procedure work? A replication study of Alinaghi & Reed (Research Synthesis Methods, 2018) by Sanghyun Hong (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-4) DOI: 10.18718/81781.13
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Meta-analysis and publication bias: How well does the FAT-PET-PEESE procedure work? A reply to Hong (International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics, 2019) by W. Robert Reed (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-5) DOI: 10.18718/81781.14
R-Code and the log-files of Hong’s replication are available »here.

Estimating microcredit impact with low take-up, contamination and inconsistent data. A replication study of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo, and Parienté (American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015) by Florent Bédécarrats, Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux, and François Roubaud (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-3) DOI: 10.18718/81781.12
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

A reply by Bruno Crépon, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, William Parienté (2019) to an earlier version of this replication study can be found here: “Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Parienté”: A rejoinder. DIAL WP N°2019-07A.

A reply by Florent Bédécarrats, Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux, and François Roubaud to the rejoinder by Bruno Crépon, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, and William Parienté can be found here: Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Pariente. Rebutting the Rebuttal. DIAL WP N°2019-07B.

Revisiting the Drivers of Natural Gas Prices. A replication study of Brown & Yücel (The Energy Journal, 2008) by Gavin Roberts (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-2) DOI: 10.18718/81781.11
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Tweet Sixteen and Pregnant: Missing Links in the Causal Chain from Reality TV to Fertility. A replication study of Kearney & Levine (American Economic Review, 2015) by David A. Jaeger, Theodore J. Joyce & Robert Kaestner (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-1) DOI: 10.18718/81781.10
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Volume 2, 2018

Federal minimum wage hikes do reduce teenage employment. A replication study of Bazen & Marimoutou (Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2002) by Stephen Bazen & Velayoudom Marimoutou (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-5) DOI: 10.18718/81781.9
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Malaria Eradication in the Americas. A replication study of Bleakley (American Economic Journal. Applied Economics, 2010) by David Roodman (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-4) DOI: 10.18718/81781.8
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

» The Impacts of Hookworm Eradication in the American South. A replication study of Bleakley (The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007) by David Roodman (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-3). DOI: 10.18718/81781.7
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

» Editorial by Martina Grunow, Hilmar Schneider, Gert G. Wagner, and Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.6

» Inflation and Broadband Revisited: Evidence from an OECD Panel. A replication study of Yi and Choi (Journal of Policy Modeling, 2005) by Klaus Friesenbichler (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.5
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Volume 1, 2017

» Productivity premia for many modes of internationalization. A replication study of Békés and Muraközy (Economics Letters, 2016) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.4
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

» Religious Loyalty and Acceptance of Corruption. A replication study of Gouda and Park (Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2015) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-3). DOI:10.18718/81781.3
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

» Does online availability increase citations? A replication study of McCabe and Snyder (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.2
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

» Firm size and the use of export intermediaries. A replication study of Abel-Koch (The World Economy, 2013) by Joachim Wagner (IREE Vol.1, 2017-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.1 
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.