as of December 01, 2021:
The International Journal for Re-views in Empirical Economics (IREE) is replaced by the Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics (JCRE).
As before, JCRE does not charge fees for submission or publication and is open access.
For more information, please see JCRE’s website. If you are interested in submitting your replication or comment to JCRE, please check out the JCRE-Guidelines for authors!
The editorial team looks forward to receiving your submissions!
To prepare your manuscript for submission, please read the »Guidelines for Authors and our »Data Availability Policy. Prior submission you may want to check the Aims and Scope and the Guidelines for Replication Studies in IREE.
Please note: IREE uses the Open Journal System (OJS) for the review process of submitted manuscripts and the ZBW Journal Data Archive (JDA) to restore and publish your program code and data. Therefore, you will first have to register to OJS to submit your paper. Upon your registration to OJS and you will receive an email to register for the JDA in the next step. Please follow the instructions sent with this mail.
Manuscripts should be submitted both as a PDF and LaTex or Word document and in two versions: 1) full version with author names and affiliations and 2) anonymised version. Do not forget to embed all fonts when creating the PDF file and check whether the text, equations, tables, and graphs are displayed correctly when viewing the PDF file on another computer.
IREE does not charge any submission or publiction fees from the authors.
If you have any questions regarding submissions to IREE please do not hesitate to »contact us.